Our self-image
change my HoMe wants to change the Hochschule Merseburg. With creative actions we raise awareness for sociopolitical topics on the campus and among the student body. We see ourselves as an open assembly of critical students from three faculties. Our shared position is antifascist what shall reflect in our setting of topics. In that sense we’re open for all students who’s like to set impulses and causes for thought.
Within our group and on our campus is no place for racism, islamo- and xenophobia, antisemitism, trans- and queerphobia, misogyny, sexism, ableism, conspiracy myths, anti-scientific worldviews and nationalism.
change my HoMe stands for self-determined intervention, peaceful and constructive, sometimes disturbing and startling, any time with a an open mind for other point of views. Because change is a process formed by different perspectives.